Saturday, April 2, 2011

On the Edge of A Cliff

If you're on the edge of a cliff, what do you do? Do you turn back and try to find another way around or do you attempt to climb down? Do you jump down and just hope things will be okay? Should I be safe and take the long way, or take a risk?

I'm not sure. I need to consult Didi My Doe.

Friday, April 1, 2011


I'm starting to feel really overwhelmed. I have so much to complete in so little time. On top of all this is the editing job; I feel way too much pressure. I'm a volcano, hot and bothered and hopefully in an exotic place like Hawaii and Pompeii. I'm so sad that my much needed break is almost gone. I guess I'm going back to the real world.  Things could be worse.

To quote the song I am currently obsessed with, "hope is on a rope, hope's on a frayed rope... I'm scared and unprepared".