Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Almost to the Finish Line

The worst is over. I have completed two midterms, an essay response, and final draft of a review essay. I've slaved away all weekend, and I know it will be worth it, but I'm having a hard time seeing that now. I still have another midterm to study for and two more days of reading before spring break. All  I want to do is sleep and drop off the grid for a couple of days, only to resurface for my much anticipated break. But, responsibility kicks in and I will have to suck it up and tough it out. I made a little droid avatar during one of my short study breaks. Does it look like me? Let me know.


  1. Hi Heather, I made another blog. Please check it out when you have a minute.



  2. sorry it took me so long. busy time. I followed your other blog!
