Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Student Like Any Other

I am a student, a college student. I go to class four days a week and live on campus in a tiny room. I've been in school for almost six years, chugging along slowly but surely, chipping away at the unit requirement with willful determination. I attended Orange Coast College for three years and I am on my third at San Jose State. I was once a rebellious Interior Design major, grumbling while hunched over large pieces of vellum, a paper used for hand drafting, twisting my pencil across the surface. I quickly learned that I made the wrong choice and quickly became an eager English major, ready to trade in arduous drafting projects for reading and essays.

So here I am, average college student, reading at least 60 pages a night, English student extraordinaire, making my way towards graduation. They say the journey is the best part, so here's to the journey.

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